A new show in London, on the theme of Labyrinths

A new show in London, on the theme of Labyrinths

My brother sent me this article yesterday. And Bob also sent me the link after I posted this, how’s that for delicious synchronicity! A show opening in the Large Glass. It’s unlikely that I will get to see it in person but it may be of interest to any of who may be in the area.


Brain Coral – Photograph by Dorothy Cross

Dorothy Cross was a visiting lecturer for me in 1994. She was an energetic tutor who’s lasting lesson to me was the importance of materials in the context of your work. She was fearless and bold when it came to choosing materials to work with, and could seamlessly interact with the natural and digital world.

I’m beginning to wonder if this is where my exploratory project will take me? Off on a digital path maybe. I’ve also been looking more at a red coat that I have, I’ve had it hanging in the toilet of the studio for a few years. It’s my coat from childhood.