Diagram dialogues

Diagram dialogues

From a notebook – 24th August 2020 Self as elements overlapping
Diagram-map of relational objects in home space November 20
Dialogue diagram by Stefan Schaffeld 24th November 2020
Where are you in the diagram? 24th November 2020

Diagrams are a invitation to dialogue. On a call with Stefan we talked about how we use diagrams in our practice. Stefan created a diagram of our dialogue in situ. I shared my diagram self as elements overlapping. It was a visual response to trying to unravel my role slippage. (I repeat this diagram regularly to understand where I am.)

Stefan asked me questions about the overlapping diagram. Here is the dialogue:

Stefan: Where are you in the diagram? As in where do you hope to be? Susan: Here (points to top cutout) a place of intersection, movement and possibility – where there are many paths and routes to navigate.

Stefan: Where do you hope not to be? Susan: Here (points to lower blue/black cutout). It’s the place between nowhere and unknown.

Stefan: What can the first place say to the second place in reassurance? Susan: It is a temporary state and your route back is already known to you.

Place, in diagram November 29th Dialogue with Stefan Schaffeld

“How does art concretely deal with diagrams? The diagram is an artistic strategy that operates through a desire to express information as a relationality that has to be converted by a subjective viewer. The advantage is that the work of art resists the pull of reification; always incomplete, it can nevertheless be read as a work in progress. But it enshrines the divide between art and science.”(Zdebik)

11th November, diagram of a collaborative relational practice.

The diagram of 11th Nov shows the current workflow in my practice. (I see visual connections to the sound drawing from Craobh Rua and this diagram. ) It represents the many roles/pathways and entanglements at that point in time.

Play books need a work flow (https://www.slideshare.net/enjoy_injoy/art-center-interactive-design-4-3-information-architecture-product-diagrams)


J. Zdebik http://drainmag.com/diagrams-art-as-information/ [Accessed 13th November]

https://blogs.bl.uk/asian-and-african/2020/07/count-your-fingers-calendrical-hand-diagrams-in-hebrew-manuscripts.html [Accessed 13th November 2020]