Exploratory Project – Outcome 3 Red Coat

Exploratory Project – Outcome 3 Red Coat

These are the two images I feel work best out of the batch that I took.

Wrapping thread and rags around a tree is an old pagan tradition that carried across to catholic rituals. Often the rag tree is situated by a spring or well. You obtain a piece of cloth or thread from a sick person, dip it in the water and/or rub your affected area with the fabric. Tie it to the tree. When the thread disintegrates you are healed. Needless to say this tradition began in times where everything was biodegradable so it was easier to see how this form of sympathetic magic could work a little easier.

Below are the rest that were taken on the day. 22nd of February, the last day of my daughter being 8. She enjoyed wearing my old coat and insisted that she play in it for the rest of the day.

My Mammy instinct prefers the images that conceal her face. Offering her the freedom and protection to continue her childhood impeded. I am not sure if this is a resolved piece of work but will take more time to consider the images. All feedback greatly welcomed to help push it on a bit more.