The Mapping Presentation

The Mapping Presentation

Petroglyph portrait

A self portrait is a map of the person. This mapping began with the deconstructed petroglyphic self portrait. The lino cut glyphs formed the categories and areas to map. A jumping off point. Always moving, there are no fixed points as I travel in and out of these portals. Inside the labyrinth, outside and along the spokes exiting the glyph portals. Some days are spent in one area specifically and then moving onto another strand. Travelling back and forth. The construction evolved when the ideas presented themselves.

There are 4 key areas that I want to give consideration to broaden my practice. They are medium and long term goals, 1-5 years.

  1. Photography – need additional training in Photoshop, video and digital editing. John/Brigitte gave me some pointers on last Thursdays call which I shall cost and look into. Any advice welcomed.
  2. Garage – Building works, ventilation to reduce humidity required to convert it into a ‘dirty’ space for more 3D/Sculptural works. Currently I am only working on small models.
  3. No solo show had to date. No connections with a gallery – how do I work toward this?
  4. What is required to qualify as a visiting lecturer/artist facilitator for third level? I would be interested in pursuing this as an add on to my career.

There is a system to the studio, it has its own atmosphere and sounds.

Living with the map has given me more return on investment than the construction.

Sigma Map Acrylic on Watercolour Paper

It continues to focus my thoughts.  Caroline asked do you ever work without a plan? So I introduced some automatic painting with any leftover paint on scrap boards and canvases in between the colours on the Sigma Map. Named after an observation made during my tutorial. I spent time in the map.

Connections Collaborations Materials
Thoughts Communications
Obsessions Mastery
Control Self Survival