TYB Floor Installation – Labyrinth Rug and Platonic Playthings

TYB Floor Installation – Labyrinth Rug and Platonic Playthings

Model for Floor Installation
Labyrinth Rug and Platonic Playthings : Soft Sculpture forms – based on the Platonic Solid Shapes.

The labyrinth rug was based on a ink drawing, the trace of the brush marks are still evident despite the digital printing method used. This was intentional, a nod to the hand made. A drawing for the floor. Art you can be on.

The Mirrored Mantle fabric was created at the ‘Installations’ exhibition – ‘drawn by children for children’ seemed appropriate. The shapes were constructed used a quilting method called paper piecing. A 2D jigsaw that forms into a 3D shape.

Material operates as metaphor, using material to expand ideas

Handmade V’s Manufactured

A fictional space on the floor

Art as tools, platonic playthings – not fixed, can be moved around and configured easily by mothers or babies. A chance to reveal something else in the work, a new pattern. Audience uses it as a performative space? How the work can change with audience in the space and out of the space – to be continued with the mother and toddlers in April when the scheduled 8 week project goes live.