Testing Your Boundaries March 16th

Testing Your Boundaries March 16th

The presentation is available to view on the gdrive.


Notes taken from the feedback: Layers in work, engage on surface or journey in deeper (Jo) Look at Tim Ingold ‘Making’ (Sally) Welcome Trust, Play – look it up. Multiple audiences recognised and engaged (Les) Children’s drawings used as a surface on a 3D object very interesting (Eva) Different connection to the work when it’s on the floor, it’s deeper, more personal and genuine (Elena).

Mantle Installation design in the notebook, March 2020

What one thing can you take away from the TYB Project.

Audience is a resource.

Audience is not always about a passive act of observing. When engaged in co-producing they positively disrupt and address practice. This ‘mutual translation’ (Walter Benjamin’s term) helps grow work in strange and adventurous ways. Dennis Atkinson describes it as the force of art . His advice (which I found very relevant) focused on ‘relaxing the tradition’ of practice or teaching, at least being aware of its power of control and disrupting it. A necessary disobedience!

Practice, life and learning are an ongoing series of encounters. Rituals of making anchor practice, and yet, in moments of chaos there is a potential for becoming something else. Trust the ‘force of art’ (Atkinson, 2018) and work with audience, manage personal expectations – don’t allow them to take over. Trust the energy of the unexpected.

D. Atkinson, Art, Disobedience, and Ethics, Education, Psychoanalysis,
and Social Transformation, 2018

Link to our collaborative project on the Creative Ireland website